What You Eat Matters Handout

August 10, 2022

A healthy diet is essential for good health & nutrition.  Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated & trans-fats is critical.

Mindfulness Practice

August 3, 2022

Mindfulness Practice is paying attention, in the present moment, without judgement. The American Academy of Family Physicians report that two-thirds of appointments are for stress-related causes or symptoms.  Stress reduction techniques (especially amongst the elderly) are proven to boost immune function and performance.  The mind-body connection is a real thing – they are not separate

The Truth About Water, and How Much You Should Be Drinking

July 28, 2022

By: Dr. Mary Rose Strickland Staying properly hydrated is very important for many functions and tissues of our body to work well.  Being hydrated boosts brain performance (including memory, mood, concentration and reaction time), digestion, results in more energy, assists in weight loss or management, can assist in decrease joint pain, aide in heart health

Sleep Tips to Help You Fall and Stay Asleep

July 22, 2022

Create a dark, cool environment. Minimize blue light from phones, tablets and TVs, especially 1 hr prior to bed. Avoid eating large, high carb meal in the 2 hours before bed.\ Be sure to get physical activity in during the day! Increase your exposure to natural sunlight during the day. Keep your extremities warm which

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

July 13, 2022

One of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation comes from the grocery store. Foods that CAUSE inflammation: Added sugars Trans Fats Red and processed meats Refined carbohydrates (highly processed white flour bread and rolls, crackers, sugary cereals, white rice) Omega-6s (canola, corn, safflower, sunflower and peanut oils, mayonnaise) Foods that FIGHT inflammation: Fresh fruits

Tips on Managing Stress

July 5, 2022

Get Moving! 150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise, like a brisk walk, is a great first step to manage inflammation, pain and stress. Meditate with deep breathing, mindfulness practice, or other practices. Practice positive psychology! Your provider can help you get started. Start a gratitude journal – write 3 things every day for which