Women's Health

Peeing. Pelvic Pain. Prolapse. The “P’s” that are very common, although NOT normal. Pelvic health physical therapy addresses daily functions in the bathroom, the bedroom and beyond. Your pelvic floor is the bottom of your pelvic region, made up of 3 layers of muscles and ligaments that support internal organs.

Movement of the hips, pelvis and spine help to turn “on” your pelvic floor like a switch. Conversely, stiffness or tightness in any of the three planes of motion our body moves can begin to cause weakness, tightness, and pain associated with turning “off” the core floor. Many times dysfunction of this area impacts bladder and bowel health as well as sexual function. Are you a kegel expert? You are only addressing about 25% of the problem.

Women’s Health Physical Therapy is for women of ALL ages and situations including pregnancy, post-partum, menopause and beyond.

For more information, scroll down for helpful articles, PDFs, exercises, stretches and healthy tips. If you have questions, call, email or schedule an appointment. We’d love to help!


Pelvic Health Overview
June 20, 2024

What is Pelvic Health Physical Therapy? Pelvic health focuses on a group of conditions in both men and women that may interfere with bowel or bladder control, sexual health, and chronic pelvic pain. The unique anatomy and function of the pelvic floor and surrounding joints and muscles is the primary focus of this type of

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Menopause and Perimenopause: Understanding Musculoskeletal Pain and Other Symptoms
June 11, 2024

As physical therapists, we often encounter patients experiencing musculoskeletal pain. While there are many potential causes for this type of discomfort, one less commonly considered source is menopause or perimenopause. Understanding the connection between hormonal changes and musculoskeletal pain is crucial for effective treatment and management. At New Life Physical Therapy, we are committed to

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse
June 2, 2024

Pelvic Organ Prolapse, also known as POP, occurs when the pelvic floor, which is the collection of muscles, ligaments and connective tissue, can no longer adequately support the organs in the pelvic region, and they start to drop from their normal position. Organs that can prolapse, or drop down into the vaginal canal, could be

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How You Breathe When You Poop, Matters
June 27, 2023

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What Is The Core Floor?
May 2, 2022

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Posture and the Pelvic Floor
May 2, 2022

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